Hera Wooden Plectrums

Our wooden plectrums are manufactured from woods that are native (or have become native) here in NZ.

Common woods we use are Bottlebrush, Cedar, Rimu and other woods depending on our current sources.

Manchurian Walnut - hard to get but a nice hardwood - sounds good. We only have a few of these.

Bottlebrush - a hardwood with a beautiful mottled texture. 

Cedar - a nice hardwood with a great colour. A particular favourite for jazz, as a small teardrop.

Rimu - a beautiful hardwood. Takes a superb finish, especially when it's had it's final oiling - and another favourite when playing pop, country etc...

Each plectrum is unique - even down to the finishing marks - because they're handmade; there's no machine-shop mass production here.

There's several styles available - the traditional triangle shape we all know, the sharkfin design, a teardrop shape for the more jazzy amongst us... and a small teardrop for those of us who find that a small plectrum works nicely!

A special design feature of our plectrums is that we notch one of the long sides of the plectrum - because it gives a much brighter sound, on most guitars, due to it giving the effect of plucking the string many times in rapid succession - and setting up more complex vibrations in the string. This has been known for decades - but very few manufacturers do this; we do!

The plectrums cost $8.00NZ each... and if you want a pack of two - that costs $15.00MZ. Postage will be charged at the current rate for your location. Unfortunately - we can't send internationally at the moment... but if you tell us a really good story why, we might possibly consider it....

* The woods available will vary over time - so you have to contact us with you're requirements and we'll let you know what we have in stock at the moment.

** Remember - wood is a rigid material - so if you're wanting a flexible plectrum... your local music shop will have the usual mass-produced plastic. I'd suggest a Jim Dunlop 0.38mm... they're great, if that's your thing.

*** Due to the size and some plectrums having moderately sharp points - these plectrums are not suitable for younger children. Caveat Emptor!